This website is owned by BRAHMAVITTA, S.L and its content has an informative nature of the services provided by this entity, as well as provide users with the information they request through e-mail or forms that could be enabled for these purposes, receipt of curriculum vitae and, the sending of the newsletter to the users who made their subscription, all of this, subject to the Entity’s policy on data protection and detailed in the privacy policy of these conditions of use.

The access to this website implies the knowledge and acceptance of the following terms and conditions of use of its content, as well as the acceptance of the policy established in the matter of data protection when providing personal data of own or third parties , and attributes the condition of the user of the Portal and access to it implies its acceptance without reservation.

Unless expressly stated otherwise, access to the information displayed on the portal pages is completely free.

BRAHMAVITTA, S.L, owner of the website, reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, modifications and updates of the information contained in its website or in the configuration and presentation of it.

BRAHMAVITTA, S.L does not guarantee the absence of errors in the access to the web, in its content or in the update of this one. However, it will put all means at its disposal to avoid, remedy or update them.

Both access to this website and the use that can be made of the information contained in it is the sole responsibility of the person who performs it. BRAHMAVITTA, S.L shall not be liable for any consequences, malfunctions, damages or damages that may arise from such access or use of information beyond its control.

The user will assume all expenses, costs and indemnities that could derive from proceedings initiated against him for non-compliance with the established in the conditions of use.

BRAHMAVITTA, S.L is not responsible for the state of the access connection or the contents of the third party links referred to on the web.

The data corresponding to the ownership of the website and complying with article 10 of the LSSI can be consulted in the Legal Disclaimer section at the bottom of this website.

The purpose of this website is described below: inform users of the services offered by BRAHMAVITTA, S.L, facilitate the information that users request and the sending of the newsletter to users who register and request it in case of offering this service, as well as, as the case may be, the reception of curriculum vitae of users who wish to send it to BRAHMAVITTA, S.L.


All rights of Intellectual Property of the elements that integrate the graphic design of its web page, the menus, navigation buttons, the HTML code, the Java applets or Java Script, the controls of Actives, the texts, images, textures, graphics and any other content of the web site or, in any case, has authorization for the use of said elements.

Likewise, BRAHMAVITTA, S.L is the owner of the industrial property rights derived from the use of trademarks, distinctive signs and commercial names, except those corresponding to sponsors, sponsors, advertisers, etc., that may appear on this website, as well as those corresponding to links that may be made from this web page.

The photographs that may appear on the website or through links to other pages, may not be used by the user for any purpose, without the authorization of its owner. The improper use of the same by the user will be responsible solely for BRAHMAVITTA, S.L and against third parties, of the damages caused as well as of the legal breaches that could derive from the use of the same.

BRAHMAVITTA, S.L reserves the rights of reproduction, modification, adaptation, public communication, maintenance, correction of errors, assignment, sale, rent, loan and / or any other right of intellectual or industrial property that can correspond to him on the contents of the web site. Any exercise of the foregoing rights, regardless of the medium or form in which they occur, requires prior and written authorization from

In no case, BRAHMAVITTA, S.L will be responsible for any possible infractions that in the matter of intellectual and industrial property could commit any user of the web site.

BRAHMAVITTA, S.L reserves the right to modify the content and elements that integrate its web site, without having to communicate it previously, when it deems convenient according to the exercise of its services.

BRAHMAVITTA, S.L is not responsible for the integrity and veracity of the content of the links to the web sites that can be accessed from its website.

BRAHMAVITTA, S.L makes available to the users a group of professionals in charge of updating and verifying the veracity and integrity of the information contained in the web site. However, given the nature of the medium and the possible risks of interruption of the service, alteration of the access or the contents of the web site by third parties, BRAHMAVITTA, S.L excludes any liability that may arise from the content contained on its web site.


In compliance with Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data and its Development Regulations,BRAHMAVITTA, S.L communicates to the users of www.brahamavitta.com, that the data provided through the website through the corresponding forms and the emails received by requesting information or sending their curriculum vitae and / or the data provided in the subscription record of the newsletter , and electronic sale, and which have the status of personal data, will be incorporated into files and processed automatically or not by BRAHMAVITTA, S.L in charge of the file, at Calle Asomada, 2 Ctra. General Atogo – Finca Oliva – San Isidro – Granadilla de Abona – SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE. These files are registered in the Spanish Data Protection Agency in accordance with current legislation and development regulations.

The users guarantee and respond, in any case, the truthfulness, accuracy, validity, authenticity of the Personal Data provided, and undertake to keep them duly updated. Also, users guarantee to be over 14 years.

The purpose of the treatment will be to manage the request made through the web either through contact form or any other type of online form, or through a request by email. Such request may be, without limitation, the management of an order, the reply to a request for commercial information, the application for employment or even the registration in company newsletters, as well as any other interaction between the user of the website Y BRAHMAVITTA, S.L which tends to satisfy the user’s need. All requested data are necessary to be able to attend the request. Likewise, the purpose of the data collection will be to send the user commercial information about products or services related to the company and that could be of interest, by any means, including electronic, even after the conclusion of the business or contractual relationship .

In case the user does not wish this last treatment will have the opportunity to oppose the receipt of commercial communications by checking the corresponding box in the contact form itself, or even exercising their right of opposition at the aforementioned address.

The user is also informed that Inversiones Backyard, S.L. is the marketing and distributing entity of Brahamavitta, S.L. and therefore, the personal data that you provide us through the purchase requisitions will be assigned to Inversiones Bakyard with the sole purposes of marketing, distribution and billing, becoming also responsible for the file and therefore obliging to comply with the applicable legislation on data protection.

The informed assignment is made in accordance with article 11.2 c) being necessary to be able to supply the requested products online to Brahmavitta.

In any case, the user will always have their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition that may be exercised to BRAHMAVITTA, S.L at the address Calle Asomada, 2 Ctra. General Atogo – Finca Oliva – San Isidro – Granadilla de Abona – SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE through the proper accreditation of your identity (Copy of your ID).

In the event that personal data are provided by persons not holding them, the user must, prior to their inclusion, inform those persons of the ends contained in the previous paragraphs. In these cases, the user guarantees that the data reported are over 14 years and that the information is accurate and truthful.
BRAHMAVITTA, S.L will be exempt from any responsibility for the non-compliance by the user of these requirements.

The person in charge of the file has adopted the security levels of protection of the Personal Data legally required, and has installed all means and technical measures available according to the state of the technology to avoid loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the Personal Data provided.

The user has the confidentiality and the duty of secrecy of the employees of BRAHMAVITTA, S.L and all those who treat the data in the name and on account of it. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the user is aware of the possibility that the security of communications over the network is not invulnerable.

Access to this website may involve the use of cookies. Cookies are small amounts of information that are stored in the browser used by the user, so that the server registers information that can be used in subsequent accesses. The stored information allows to identify a specific user and have registered information about their preferences, pages visited, etc. If you do not want to allow the installation of cookies on your computer you must configure your browser to that effect.


The establishment of any hyperlink from a third party website, to any of the pages of this website will be made under the following conditions:
· No reproduction of any of the services contained in this website is allowed in whole or in part.
· No false, inaccurate or incorrect information will be included on the pages of this website and its services.
· BRAHMAVITTA, S.L will not be responsible for the contents, information, manifestations, opinions or services made available to the public on the website from which a hyperlink to this website is established.
· Any hyperlink will be made to the main page of this website.
In case they exist, the hyperlinks of this website will have been validated in advance with the owners of the linked websites, not being responsible BRAHMAVITTA, S.L of the activities carried out by users on said linked pages, especially in cases that are contrary to law, morality and public order.


The Terms of Use for the use of this web are of indefinite character and will remain in effect while the portal is active. The user acknowledges having read these Terms and agrees with them.


If any clause included in these conditions is declared totally or partially null or ineffective, such nullity will only affect that provision or the part thereof that is null or ineffective, remaining in all other conditions.


These Terms of Use are governed by Spanish law. In case of dispute or controversy related to the interpretation or application of these General Conditions, the parties submit themselves, with express waiver to any other jurisdiction, to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.